

RRP $25.00


Kiwikitz™ Live & BloodSkin Detox - FOR PETS & PEOPLE comprehensive herbal detoxing with nutritional blood purifying, diuretic, liver and lymph cleansing herbs generally has a positive effect on the body systems resulting in:

reduction of skin ailments
clearer skin and improved skin tone
shiny eyes
improved energy levels
reduced congestion
improved digestion and absorption of nutrients
reduction in fluid retention
healthier bowel movements
improved healing response and greater feeling of wellbeing
Kumarahou -
This blend incorporates traditional, time proven herbs used to support the gentle and safe purification of the body including the blood, liver and lymphatic system, by the elimination of toxins, congestion and waste within the body. Accumulated metabolic waste and everyday toxic overload, compromises health at all levels including lowered energy levels, premature aging and the inability to cope with day to day stress. Detoxing has many benefits including improved digestive function, reduction of skin ailments, clearer skin and eyes and more.

Burdock has blood cleansing, laxative, diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Burdock is a favourite herb for the skin (cleansing) and useful when a sluggish digestion has led to a toxin overload. Burdock is naturally high in vitamin, iron and is recognized as one of the best sources of minerals. Because Burdock is a deruptive (blood purifier) herb, it is widely used as an effective traditional remedy for skin eruptions & acne. Burdock is a mild laxative & is antiseptic.

A traditional liver & digestive tonic, hepatic & stimulates bile flow. Dandelion is commonly used for chronic skin conditions, stiff and painful joints & oedema. Because Dandelion root is a traditional liver tonic, mild laxative & a gentle diuretic, it is a useful herb for fluid retention in pregnancy. Dandelion does not cause potassium loss (unlike many diuretics) Dandelion root and leaves are often recommended to support those with bladder cancer.
Milk Thistle

This time proven herb assists in protecting the liver, stimulates bile flow, increases milk flow, has antiviral & antidepressant actions and has been shown to prevent toxic chemicals from damaging liver tissue. Commonly used in the treatment of cirrhosis and hepatitis. Milk thistle is a liver cleansing tonic.
Kumarahou NZ native herb

Kumarahou is an alterative, which means it helps the body detox waste products that have been built up in the body and is valued traditionally as not only a blood purifier to assist with skin problems, including sores and rash, but for bronchial system health and arthritis (due to its valuable flavonoid content including anti-inflammatory quercetin). Kumarahou is a gentle remedy used by the elderly and the very young. Early pharmacists in New Zealand used Kumarahou for Tuberculosis and Asthma in the 1800's.

A common remedy used widely in pet health remedies. Yarrow is a bitter digestive tonic that improves immune function and health generally. Yarrow aids in the elimination of toxins and waste through increased urine output and sweat. Yarrow has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties so becomes helpful for easing irritation of the skin and infection when the pets scratches and bites at its skin. Yarrow has a calming effect on the mucous membranes and promotes healing.

Clivers is an effective diuretic and depurative which improves detoxification of accumulated waste and lymphatic congestion in the body and is a mild astringent commonly used for skin ailments and supporting healing of urinary tract infections and kidney and gallbladder gravel. Being naturally high in silica, Clivers is good for the hair.

SKU: 88895

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