
Nutritional scientists have started to rediscover hemp seed oil’s many beneficial properties...

Hemp seed oil contains omega fatty acids 

Omega fatty acids like those in hemp seed oil have been shown to:

Lower blood pressure 
Lower cholesterol
Ease arthritis
Help treat ADHD
Improve immunity 
Reduce inflammation
Improve mood 
Improve organ function
Improve metabolism
Improve cardiovascular health
Improve post-exercise recovery
Improve carpal tunnel syndrome

Like fish oil, only better!

In recent years it has become public knowledge that fish oil can improve health in many ways, with even doctors recommending it to their patients. Fish are not magic, it’s the omega fatty acids contained within them that help heal the body. It’s also well known that our oceans are being depleted and poisoned more and more each day. So is fish oil really a sustainable option for humanity? Hemp seed oil contains the same healthy omega fatty acids found in fish. The difference is that hemp seed oil is from a safe and sustainable source, and the fats are in a healthier ratio. This is key to why hemp seed is so special. Despite thousands of years of use, modern research into hemp is only just beginning. We must therefore also look to studies of other omega 3 oils to see the many benefits hemp seed oil holds.

Blood Pressure

Dietary supplements of omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients, but it seems this effect does not appear in healthy individuals. In simple words, Hemp seed oil will not cause low blood pressure and faintness in people with normal values, but it will help reduce it in hypertensive (high blood pressure) patients. This lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack.
According to the research published in the Journal of Hypertension (official journal of European Society of Hypertension), omega-3 fatty acids are recommended to be used as an adjunct therapy combined with diuretics and beta blockers in order to achieve better blood pressure control.

Heart Disease & Hemp Seed Oil

2007 study found that hemp seed oil was able to prevent blood clots from forming. This could be a potential medicine for preventing clot-induced strokes and heart. Researcher in another study concluded that hemp seed oil may provide significant protection from strokes. Recent analysis conducted by the American Chemical Society found that intake of omega-3 fatty acids may prevent coronary heart disease prevention.
When it comes to hemp seed oil specifically, researchers have discovered that it is the plant sterols – special compounds found in plants known to lower cholesterol – that potentially prevent heart problems. Hemp seed oil also contains tocopherols, which reduce the risk of degenerative heart diseases, among a variety of other conditions.


Inflammation is a good thing- as long as it’s under control. That’s how the body fights off bacteria and other microorganisms and how it heals itself. But sometimes inflammation gets out of control and establishes as a permanent process, damaging the body functions and causing severe health issues in the long run. Medical research in the past decade revealed it’s the missing link between obesity and diabetes.
A study published in 2013 revealed that omega-3 fatty acids lower biomarkers of body inflammation and metabolic syndrome. Although this finding may seem not so spectacular to laymen, what it tells us is that hemp seed oil can help you prevent diabetes, put the insulin resistance under control or interrupt the obesity- metabolic syndrome- diabetes cascade in time, before serious health complications occur.

Arthritis symptoms

Most clinical studies looking at omega-3 supplements for arthritis have focused on rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the joints. Several small-scale studies found that supplementation reduced symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, including joint pain and stiffness. One study suggests that people with rheumatoid arthritis who take fish oil may be able to lower their dose of painkillers (NSAIDs).
An analysis of 17 randomized, controlled clinical trials looked at the pain-relieving effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplements in people with rheumatoid arthritis or joint pain caused by inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) and painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea). The results suggest that omega-3 fatty acids, along with conventional therapies, such as NSAIDs, may help relieve joint pain associated with these conditions.

Management Of Hypertriglyceridemia

Hypertriglyceridemia, one of the most common metabolic disorders, is a condition of elevated triglycerides in the blood. It is essential to understand that omega-3 fatty acids have their place in therapy of different health conditions. These supplements are not always the best choice. For example, in cases of severe hypertriglyceridemia, it’s essential to put it under control as fast as possible, before acute pancreatitis develops (often deadly inflammation of the pancreas).
On the other hand, in patients with moderate elevation of triglycerides, omega-3 fatty acids (Hemp Seed Oil) can be used as an adjuvant or single therapy option. Unlike statins, omega-3 FA does not have side or adverse effects, and no drug interactions have been recorded so far. Also, they do not affect liver function (unlike statins which show the hepatotoxic effect in some patients). Why is this important? In some cases, introducing another drug into the therapy of a patient who already regularly takes a few medications can trigger side effects or interact with some of the drugs, changing their “behaviour” in the body (a phenomenon with the sometimes fatal outcome).

High Cholesterol?

Lowering Blood Cholesterol

Omega 3 is well known for it’s effect on blood pressure, regularly given to patients by doctors on prescription. Increasing the amount of hemp seed oil in your diet may help cholesterol-lowering medications called statins work more effectively.
These medications include:
Atorvastatin (Liptor)
Lovastatin (Mevacor)
Simvastatin (Zocor)

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

Hemp seed oil is rich in GLA (gamma linolenic acid), a building block from some prostaglandins. Prostaglandins play an important role in the body’s function, helping smooth muscles contract, controlling body temperature and inflammation, and other bodily functions. This research suggests that supplementing with GLA is important for optimal hormone health, and may be why so many women with PMS have been helped by hemp seed oil. One study of women with PMS required the women take one gram of essential fatty acids (including 210 mg of GLA) daily. This resulted in a significant reduction in their PMS symptoms. Hemp seed oil’s high levels of GLA indicate that it may also help reduce menopause symptoms.


The past two decades brought omega-3 fatty acids into the focus of scientific research. All world known medical journals, published on monthly basis research results that push further the boundaries of our omega-3 fatty acids understanding. Two or three decades ago, it was unimaginable to hear a doctor say “use more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to regulate your blood lipids level”. Today, it would be wrong not to try those before introducing drugs into the therapy. Keep in mind that omega-3 fatty acids are not the magical solution for every health problem- sometimes you will need drugs (especially in situations when it’s crucial to achieve therapeutic effect as fast as possible). Hemp Seed Oil is a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids and a great alternative to processed fats we consume so much nowadays.


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