Who we are and What we offer

We are  "regular" people, who through looking for answers to help overcome a very serious disease within our immediate family, came across people getting amazing results with natural foods & remedies. 

We learned in principle that our modern way of life, includes diets and products that are loaded with harmful toxic chemicals, and have very little if any nutritional value, or, "life" in them - which results in our modern epidemic of disease. 

We found that when we made some simple changes, such as diet, juicing, using natural wholefoods/supplements/remedies, water & exercise, we joined the growing thousands of people worldwide who have not only overcome health problems, but have gone on to enjoy a much better quality of life. 

Our purpose in establishing Natural Health Now, is to share these "jewels" of knowledge with other people who, like us, may be looking to overcome a health issue, or seeking to improve their lives in this vital area - you can't enjoy much else if you don't have good health!

Vaughan & Maddie

  • Phone: 0210 253 4381

  • Email: vaughan@naturalhealthnow.co.nz

  • Based in New Zealand.

Please feel welcome to contact us with any questions

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Thank you! We will be in touch.


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