MICRON-PARTICLE VIT C + D3, Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C with Vit D3 (30 x sachets)


RRP $38.00


In stark contrast, the "Smart" liposomal Nano-spheres® that encapsulate Liposomal Vitamin C gently slip across the intestinal wall and into the blood. That's because they are able to completely bypass a very restrictive nutrient transport system that radically limits the bioavailability of all non-liposome encapsulated forms of vitamin C. A recent clinical trial by world-renowned vitamin C expert and pharmacologist, Steve Hickey, PhD, shows that Liposomal Vitamin C is able to produce serum levels of vitamin C nearly double those thought theoretically possible with any oral form of vitamin C. This astounding level of bioavailability not only dramatically increases the amount of vitamin C in the blood, but recent thermographic microscopy provides visible evidence that it also aids its entry into individual cells.

Try it and you'll see and feel superior delivery and enhanced results for yourself — guaranteed!

Squeeze the contents of one packet into your favorite juice or other cool beverage. It's easy to swallow. Within minutes millions of "Smart" liposomal Nano-Spheres® loaded with vitamin C will move into your bloodstream and then into your cells. Once there, the "essential" phospholipids and the vitamin C will be unleashed to perform their powerful work!

Each 0.2 oz. packet of Liposomal Vitamin C contains 1,000 mg of vitamin C and 1,000 mg of "essential" phospholipids. It's the most bio-available, easy-to-swallow vitamin C supplement on the market.

SKU: 28187

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