Acai Bowl Premix 240g



RRP $23.50

Our Acai Bowl Premix is a delicious, nutritious and easy to use base for creating your very own traditional Brazilian Breakfast wherever you are. The Acai (ah-sigh-ee) Berry is an Amazonian superfood packed full of powerful antioxidants as well as many other key nutrients to help support general health and wellbeing. An Acai Bowl can be enjoyed as an energizing breakfast or snack option throughout the day.

Gut Health
Vitamins and Minerals 
Our Acai Bowl Premix contains two amazing superfood powders Acai berry and Maqui berry. Both these delicious berries are highly nutritious and contain an abundance of phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. They are both extremely high in antioxidants with ORAC* scores around 10 times more than that of blueberries.
* ORAC scores determine a foods oxygen scavenging capabilities. A higher score indicates a better ability to protect the body from free radicals.

“Statements have been included for the interests of consumer health education and are not intended to imply that such ingredients have been approved under the Medicines Act for the prevention or treatment of specific diseases or medical conditions. You should seek appropriate Healthcare professional advice for any medical condition”

SKU: 10082

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